Hello! ANIN!!!!
Welcome to the Resource page! Hope everybody is enjoying the lovely weather!
I would like to wish our EA Rhonda Cameron success in her endeavors as she is enrolled in University courses from now until September. Good Luck Rhonda! See you in the fall!
I have been busy in the Resource Room getting programming set up for our students. I would like to thank the Chief and Council for their generous donations of the IPADS (I am working on getting them up and running for the classrooms), I know the technology will help us assist our students in many ways!!
I would also like to thank the Health Center for their continued suppport. Staff from the Health Center have been or will be performing presentations to the students on topics such as Bullying, Smoking, Hygiene, Safety and other issues. We are happy to see you in the school and continue to welcome you to our events. Thank you for everything you do for our staff and students!!
This year we have subscribed to a website called MATHLETICS. It is a fun, interactive learning tool that all the students are enjoying. Your child/children have their own username and password assigned to them so they can be access this program at home from their computers. Please go to www.mathletics,com where you can enter the username and password and have FUN!
The Resource Program at ISS is a program designed to help students, parents, and staff become familiar with various learning disabilities that your child maybe experiencing while in school. This program allows the student with learning disabilities to be in a regular education classroom for most of each day, but also receives individual or small group services in a separate classroom staffed by a teacher who is specially trained to work with children with learning disabilities.
The Resource Program also assists those students who have fallen behind in some of their class subjects. We offer computer assisted software programs so your child can experience learning with many hands-on activities, and softcover and hardcover literature for those who love to read.
The ISS Resource program also offers other services such as:
- Speech and Language
- Occupational Therapy
- Guidance Counselling
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Educational Assessments conducted by School Pyschologists
- Literacy Support
- Transitioning Support (for Grade 8 students)
- and Intervention Services such as Life Skills
The support personnel involved with the resource program include: Educational Assistants; Mr. Gaylord Richard (grades 5-8), Ms. Kim Scott (grades K-4), Ms. Rhonda Cameron (grades K-4), and Mrs. Donna Cuddy (Literacy Support Teacher).
Aside from the programs offered to your child/ren at ISS there is plenty of educational websites that are made available to help your child/ren succeed in their academic studies. These include:
- aplusmath.com
- kidsites.com
- coolmath.com
- ixl.com
- yourdictionary.com
- kidzone.com
- abcteach.com
- languagearts.pppst.com
- handwritingforkids.com
- learninggamesforkids.com
- growing.course.com
- plzone.net
- pearsonlongman.com
- englishmaven.org
- readingmatrix.com
- readingcomprehensionconnection.com
- starfall.com
All these internet sites are free. No payments are required.
If you would like further information on the ISS Resource Program, please contact me anytime at the following numbers:
(204) 836-2623 or (204) 836-2332.
Mrs. Jodie Desrochers
ISS Resource Teacher